Sometimes the facial skin becomes dry for some unknown temporary reason. this can happen to normal skin and combination skin types. One of the reasons may be acidity. The skin shows acidic nature because of food you eat or due to climatic changes etc. During this time the face becomes dull and looks dry. You have to give a little extra care. Here is a soft and natural care that you can give to your skin beauty. Here is a flower pack for dry skin due to acidity. You can use this face pack for other dry skin condition also.

Jasmine Rose flower face pack
Here you need a hand full of jasmine flower and a rose flower. Get fresh flowers form flower shop or from your garden. Remember to remove the pollen stems from the rose flower. Wash it and clean well. Smash the flowers by adding fresh milk. Add enough flowers to get the required quantity.

Wash face with normal water. Then cleanse the face with cotton ball dipping in fresh milk. Wipe face with water. Apply flower facial pack all over the face. Wait for 10-15 min. and wipe off the pack. This mixture of jasmine and rose flower can reduce the acidic nature of the skin. Also remember to drink apple or carrot juices during this period. Avoid excessive acidic food and drinks. Eat green and leafy vegetables.

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