Oily Skin Care

Oily skin care means doing something to reduce excess oil production. Not only that you have to keep the pores clean to avoid wrinkle forming. Oily skin will have pores with sebum on it. There will be a thin layer of oil on the outer surface that creates a shiny look. There are a lot of chances of forming open pores when the normal pores stretches out when it accumulates oil. This excess oil become exposed to air and get oxidized that results in the formation of blackheads. Latter when the dead cells stick in the oil it turns into whiteheads. This type of skin may causes acne also. The reasons for oily skin are hormonal, climatic, eating habit and poor skin care. If you are used to wash off face too frequently, the oil glands in inner layer may tend to produce more oil to counter act the oil loss.

Now you are clear that oily skin care does not mean to over wash or cleanse the skin. When you select cleansers for your oily skin, buy light forming cleanser. When you rub on the skin with this cleanser there are lot of chances of removing dead cells which can close pores. Skin with acne need a medicated cleanser. If you want to use toner, just use very light or diluted toner that will not irritate the skin. Then moisturizing. Yes you need to moisturize the skin. Your skin is having oil but not water. Use oil free moisturizer. Moisturizers with salicylic acid or witch hazel is better.

Weekly routine

Apply forming cleanser all over the face. Using s soft cotton flannel gently move on the face in circular motion. The cleanser breaks down the oil and the rubbing remove the dead cells if any.

Steam your face. After boiling water give few min. to go off the thick steam. Then keep your face over the bowl but keep a safe distance from the bowl. Put a towel over your head and stay there for 10 min.

Now it is the time for removing blackheads. Use a blackhead remover or some small tissue or cotton. Wrap the tissue around the fingers and rub around the blackheads. After removing blackheads apply a little tea tree oil.

Now you can go for a mask. Clay mask is a good choice to remove the excess oil and impurities. Or you can go for natural face masks like strawberry mask. (search for "strawberry" in this site). Do not allow the mask to get dry on the face, wash it off before that.

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