Leading Tollywood actress Sawastika Mukherjee had to be hospitalized on Saturday morning with a reported injury sustained from a piece of broken glass. As per reports she is frustrated by her life and want to stay away from it, she is been crying from past few days that she never wished to live the way she is and decided to go beyond limits this time.
Swasthika career is not doing well and she dreamed of good success rate in film industry which never happened well for her, Swasthika's parents tried to convenience her for a better future but she rejected to accept all those stuff. Swasthika is fine now and she is having few minor cuts of glass on her hands said one of our source. "Swastika is fine. The glass shards have been successfully removed. The operation was somewhere between a major and a minor one. We are hoping that she will be discharged soon." Last known, the actress was released from the hospital and is currently resting at home.
Swasthika career is not doing well and she dreamed of good success rate in film industry which never happened well for her, Swasthika's parents tried to convenience her for a better future but she rejected to accept all those stuff. Swasthika is fine now and she is having few minor cuts of glass on her hands said one of our source. "Swastika is fine. The glass shards have been successfully removed. The operation was somewhere between a major and a minor one. We are hoping that she will be discharged soon." Last known, the actress was released from the hospital and is currently resting at home.
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